Articles of Regulations in Copenhagen Hucks
The club's name is Copenhagen Hucks.
The club is based in the municipality of Copenhagen.
The club is affiliated with DGI Greater Copenhagen and is thus subject to the district association's articles of association.
The club is a member of the Danish Frisbee Sport Union.
§ 2.
The purpose of the club is to create a framework for performing Ultimate Frisbee. It is the association's desire to grow and have many members of both genders. Furthermore, the purpose of the club is to strengthen voluntary association work by promoting sport and other cultural activities.
§ 3.
As a member, anyone with an interest in Ultimate Frisbee can be admitted.
The Board of Directors may temporarily exclude a member with a 4/5 majority. Notice of exclusion must immediately be given to the member concerned as well as the Danish Frisbee Sport Union's main board.
The exclusion must be submitted for a final decision by a 3/4 majority at the next general assembly.
§ 4.
The membership fee is determined at the ordinary general assembly.
At an extraordinary general assembly, a membership fee change can be adopted.
The financial year goes from 1/1 to 31/12.
§ 5.
The General Assembly is the highest authority of the club.
The Annual General Assembly is held once a year before March 1, and is convened in writing with at least two weeks' notice.
All members, who have been members for at least 3 months, and who are not in the missing paid fee-list have the right to vote at the general assembly.
Proposals to be considered at the general assembly must reach the chairman no later than 10 days before the general meeting.
The agenda for the Annual General assembly must include at least:
1) Election of conductor and speaker
2) Report of the previous year
3) Presentation of the revised accounts
4) Processing the proposals received
5) Election of minimum chairman, treasurer, vice chairman, 1 board member and 1 alternate
6) Election of 2 auditors
7) Election of Ultimate Representative
8) Discussion of the budget and decision on possibly changing the membership fee.
9) Ad hoc.
6. The conductor determines the voting method, however one person may require a written vote. A proxy cannot be voted on.
7. The general meeting decide by a simple majority of votes, however, a 50% majority shall be held for the election of individuals.
8. The Extraordinary General assembly shall be convened by the Chairman at the request of the Board of Directors majority or 20% of the voting members. The agenda must be stated in the notice.
§ 6.
The Board, consisting of 5 members, is the daily management of the club. The chairman, treasurer and vice-chairman are elected directly at the general assembly.
§ 7.
The accounts are kept by the treasurer and audited by 2 auditors elected at the general assembly.
The association is subscribed for by the purchase, sale, pledge or the like disposition of the treasurer or chairman. In the absence of these, the association is signed by the Vice-Chairman and a member of the Board.
The Board of Directors may issue any necessary power of attorney.
§ 8.
Amendments to the articles of association can only be made at a general assembly where 3/4 of the members present vote.
§ 9.
Resolution of the association must be adopted at two general assemblys' at 4-week intervals, and if at least 3/4 majority of the members present vote.
In the event of dissolution, the association's fortune accrues to the sports and youth work in the City of Copenhagen.